Poetry ...

... or Syllables for the Planet


Plastics in the air we breathe; plastics in the water quenching our thirst; plastics in the food we eat; waste of a society praising capitalist production in the blood; we swim in the ocean, seeing nothing but waste.


We are strangers in a strange place; zeros and ones that distract us, keep us all awake; trackers that follow our movements wherever we go; digital assets of private companies; advertising that reveals what we are.


Plastics in your mouth again, plastics in the web of life; as long as it is legal to make the planet inhabitable, legal to destroy the future of our children, no sustainability goals will be achieved.


Capitalist food production and a new virus; shrinking habitats and a human host; upside down, inside out; locking down and holding out; death and suffering; profit and inequality; business as usual.